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adoptive parents

"adoptive parents"的翻译和解释


  • She said to me , ” bean , sinceyou couldn ' t find you nature dad and mom , if you like , uncle andaunty would replace them as your adoptive parent
    阿姨温和地笑着,对我说: “小豆儿,你的爹娘找不到了,以后伯伯和阿姨就做你的爹娘,好不好?
  • Enrolling their children in immersion schools is not the extent of adoptive parents ' efforts to cultivate connections to china - - not by a long shot
  • The reality is , adoptive parenting is satisfying and wonderful and different , hamilton said proudly . especially when it ' s interracial
    “事实上,养父母的表现是很令人满意的,也是与众不同的” ,汉密尔顿骄傲地说。 “特别是当孩子们来自不同的种族时” 。
  • When jessy burns down his adoptive parents garage he is put into a youth prison . there he meets roark another troublemake with whom he escapes and ends up in deserted woodlands
  • You have been adopted by a foreign national and are required under the law of your adoptive parent s country to renounce your chinese nationality before you can naturalize as a national of that country
  • An unusual feature of the snowflake program allows the donors to choose the adoptive parents and gives them the option of staying in touch if both parties agree so they can follow their biological child ' s progress
  • Article 29 upon termination of an adoptive relationship , an adult adopted child who has been reared by the adoptive parents shall provide an amount of money to support the adoptive parents who have lost ability to work and are short of any source of income
  • If the adoptive relationship is terminated on account of the maltreatment or desertion of the adoptive parents by the grown - up adopted child , the adoptive parents may demand a compensation from the adopted child for the living and education expenses paid during the period of adoption
  • Article 22 as of the date of establishment of the adoptive relationship , the legal provisions governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between adoptive parents and adopted children ; the legal provisions governing the relationship between children and close relatives of their parents shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between adopted children and close relatives of the adoptive parents
  • The trustees of these abandoned babies including original manuscripts and letters , had gone round to look for adoptive parents for them , but to no avail . when they were at their wits end and getting nowhere , they received a helping hand - all the way from across the causeway . the people over there were keen to adopt the unwanted babies and had promised to treat them well
    当初,这些名人藏书包括手稿书信等的暂收代管者,像领着人家的弃婴一样,曾在新加坡到处找人“领养” ,鼻子都碰扁了,正一筹莫展走投无路时,从长堤彼岸伸出了友谊之手,人家满腔热情要“领养弃婴” ,还保证善待这些“弃婴” ,你能不喜出望外?
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